Saturday, May 12, 2012

100th Post: Writing Business Plan!

To keep myself focused, I made a writing business plan for the rest of the year:

May - June 7:  Research one agent/day to add to my query list.  Create spreadsheet to record submission guidelines, contact info, why I selected each agent.  I already have a list of 7 agents that represent authors that either are young/up-and-coming or wrote books that I enjoy.  Goal is to have 30+ agents on my list for summer.

June 8 - June 22:  Hello summer vacation.  Two weeks to edit/revise my manuscript before submission.

June 23 - 30:  Perfect my basic query letter, (to be tweaked based on information gathered on individual agents above).

July 1 - 31:  Submit query to minimum one agent/day, making up for any days missed on subsequent days.  Goal 31+ agents in 31 days.

August:  Post pitches for next book to blog, commit to next book idea, (I have four!).  Even if nothing happens to the first book, I am determined to keep moving forward.

September - October:  Research background information for next book, read similar books, non-fiction texts to support experiences in book.

November:  Nanowrimo!  Time for another 50,000 words!

At this rate, I should produce at least one book/year, (last book began in July, got rolling in November, will be finished June).  

Last, but not least, I have to celebrate that this is my 100th post!  It has apparently been a very wordy year.

I love lists/plans/notes/calendars.  They give a sense of control over the future, making huge tasks feel attainable.

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