Monday, January 2, 2012

I wrote a book! A book, I tell you!

I just finished the first draft of my first book!  Those firsts are important, I have a lot of editing, revising, and augmenting to do, but it's still a pretty darn cool feeling to have a complete story at my finger tips!  Calling it my first book is also key, because regardless of what happens to this one, I'm determined that it will not be my last attempt.

So, blog world, here is my new goal:  An edited, revised, and slightly longer version ready for marketing by summer 2012!

Btw, do you know any book agents?

Just thought I'd ask.  ;)


Chloe said...

Wow!! If you need any test readers, let me know!

A friend of mine actually just had her first book published last month. It was a true labor of love for her. If you feel ready to publish, I can forward you her info.

Unknown said...

I actually may, Chloe! Assuming you have similar book tastes ;) I want to find people to read it that would actually be my audience, (as opposed to people that I know who are reading it because I wrote it but would never read it if they didn't know me!). I'll be in touch, have to do all of that fun editing and revising stuff first! Once that's all done, I'll have to ask you more about your friend too :)