Sunday, April 29, 2012

59,089 words later...

Holy smokes.  I just finished editing my book after my second read and the momentary sense of completion is exhilarating.

59,089 words...  Six months of work after work... 144 pdf'ed pages... Approximately 240 actual book pages...

Phew.  Now it's time to wait for my kind readers to give me their input so that I can make my final changes and submit to agents this summer!  I already have one request for my manuscript, which is a pretty cool feeling, (and a lot of pressure to make it perfect!).

I feel like it's also time to manage my own expectations.  I was reading the blog of a published author this morning, where he shared that he has written four books, the first of which is still unpublished.  I know that this is pretty common for authors to write multiple books before they get published.

Still, I'm hopeful.

If nothing else, I've learned how to do it, so I can do it again, and again, and again, until it works.

Happy productive Sunday!

Done!  (For now...)


Tanya Leigh said...

SO proud of you!!! I can't wait to finish reading :D. Soon soon!

Melinda said...

Congratulations!! That's wonderful - I hope some lucky agent snaps it up soon so I can give it a read. :)