Tuesday, March 6, 2012

For you multi-tasking introverts!

Awhile back, I mentioned a book that I was excited to start-- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking.  Being a multi-tasking introvert myself, I have read only the first few chapters, while also balancing two other reads simultaneously.  It is interesting, I'm just not in a hurry to get through it-- it's more of something that I pick up for fifteen minutes at a time, then let digest and inspire before returning for more.

Last night, my dear friend Tanya, shared a link to a talk with the book's author, Susan Cain, allowing me to multi-task while also listening, perfect!  If you're interested in the book, this is a great place to start, just let it stream in the background while you're doing your other browsing.  It will leave you feeling reflective and proud to be an introvert, (if you are one!).

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