I'm tired. I feel beat up by teaching this week. So far it has been such a roller coaster of happy and frustrating moments. This week I'm on the frustrating down-swing. I feel ineffective, which I know must be the root of my dissatisfaction. I just don't get why sometimes I feel highly effective and other times I feel like I suck. I've been told time and time again that this is what it feels like to be a first-year teacher, but sometimes it is hard to remember what it feels like when it's good. I'm nowhere close to throwing in the towel, I am just feeling frustrated and think it's important to be honest about it.
Even with this feeling, I don't regret my decision to teach. It has changed my life. It has made me tougher and given me back a lot of my self confidence in dealing with people that went missing for awhile. It has gotten me out of working in a windowless cube for eleven hours a day, (not that I'm working less, because really I'm working more, and for far less money). I now know what the weather is like outside and get to actually be outside during daylight hours. I get to watch the seasons change and hardly sit in front of a computer. I get to talk to people all the time, young and old. I finally use my Spanish. I get to be a dork and the kids love me all the more for it. Even if my hours are long, I get some flexibility in choosing when to spend them, and I get more than three weeks off a year. Most days I feel like I'm making an important difference in the world, even if it is hard.
So with that little dose of honesty, I will gather myself together and do it all again tomorrow.
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