Monday, August 1, 2011

First Day of School Eve

Tomorrow is the first day of school!  I'm definitely feeling nervous and excited.  My room is still a work-in-progress, but it's feeling like a real classroom!  Go team!

PS.  If you love to put together furniture and want to volunteer to help me assemble some bookshelves and storage space this week, let me know!


Chloe said...

Looks good! And I will totally help you! I am free any time after 5pm :)

Is there anything else at all that you need? I have a garage filled with with things that we never use, so I might have something on your wish list.

Unknown said...

Chloe, you are so sweet! The building manager ended up offering to put it all together, so I took him up on it, (phew!). If you have any old games, cool posters, knick knacks for my prize box, floor pillows, I'm in the market for all that kind of stuff! No worries if not, it's all coming together in its own time :)

Chloe said...

I do have some games... let me look...