Honestly, it was actually my husband's resolve to trying the juice fast that got us to commit. Without me even saying anything he broached the idea and before we knew it we were spending a week prepping for the fast. For the week before, it is recommended that you wean yourself off of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, white flour, dairy, and meat, which for most of us means that there really are not a lot of food choices left! That's what I always thought, at least, but in reality we came up with some pretty creative and surprisingly tasty versions of the meals that we already eat, (think burrito bowls with black beans, uncooked bell peppers, heirloom tomatoes, brown rice, and salsa... all organic, of course, and shockingly satisfying). I'm really glad that we spent this week getting ready, because both of our bodies did a lot of cleansing before we even started juicing.
Our fridge has never been so full of fruits and veggies! |
We started our juice fast on Wednesday evening and to my surprise it really was not as challenging as I expected. Yes, I got hungry, but when I would, I'd drink a little juice, and the feeling of hunger would subside enough that I could handle it. In fact, I generally felt satiated and found it easiest when I was out doing things that distracted me from thinking about how I had not actually eaten any solid food. To my greatest surprise, I was also able to sleep pretty deeply and was only disturbed by our nightly 3AM dog-squirrel chase, (side effect of having a dog door and a cat that insists that we sleep with our bedroom door open). It took a bit to fall back asleep both nights after this happened, and I was a bit dizzy as I corralled the dog back inside, but, once you accept that you're going to feel a little bit hungry, it is not as bad as I thought it would be.
The most amusing side effect occurred Thursday evening at around 9PM when I walked into our kitchen and decided that it was full of too much crazy clutter and spent the ensuing two hours reorganizing everything. I told my husband that I felt like a rat on crack, because, well, I did! I was a bundle of energy focused on organization, so strange.
I like the irony of both of these cups of juice: The Commie Juice and the Buddha Belly Juice |
Stopping after 48 hours was a bit hard for me. My husband is committed to 15 days, so I felt a little disappointed to part ways with him. I actually had to call my uncle and make sure that I was not missing out on some health benefit by stopping, but he assured me that I had given my body enough of a chance to rest with the two day fast. I was also already down 7 lbs from before our prep-week. So, last night, I began my return by eating vegetable broth, brown rice, and a spoonful of salsa, a handful of walnuts, some blackberries, and an emergency granola bar in the middle of the night (post-nightly pet disturbance). Today I am returning back to the diet we were on to prepare for the fast, in addition to continued juicing, with the goal of integrating many of these healthy choices into my long-term routine. The jury is still out on whether this 48-hour adventure is going to positively affect my health, but I already feel more energetic than usual, including more energy in the evenings and an easier time getting out of bed in the morning.
If you would like more information about the film we watched, it is available for streaming on Netflix, here is the official site:
If you are interested in my husband's progress, he is tracking his experience at:
One last amusing result of juicing, our dog has stolen many chances to clean the cups, (don't worry, I checked to make sure that nothing he consumed was poisonous to dogs):
That's awesome! The weight loss aspect scares me as well. Although until my mid 20s my weight had ALWAYS fluctuated, my metabolism has finally sped up due to healthy eating choices/exercise and the last thing I'd want is to drop weight/muscle, but I think that if done right (putting extra avocado in smoothies??) it would probably be relatively to maintain weight with the same health benefits.
This is a cool experience! Are you guys continuing your gym routine while Alex fasts ??
Very interesting!! You guys are so motivated. This inspires me to add more fruits and veggies to my diet...something I've never been too strong on. Although you've already inspired me to make my green smoothies, which I adore :)
Yeah, Nicole, I think avocado would help! Also, the reboot website actually recommends a mixture of juice and raw food, as opposed to just juice, which may also help to slow the weight loss. Losing the weight was definitely what drove me to spend just two days, but I'm still glad I did it, it was an interesting experience and it has left me much more conscious of what I want to eat! Alex is just walking, swimming, and doing light exercise while juicing to keep from becoming overly fatigued. I plan to go back to our regular gym routine tomorrow or Monday, so it really only changed my workout choices for three days, which is not too bad! (Although I'm not training for any marathons ;)
And, Tanya, I'm glad I got you going on the green smoothies! I really think that juice fasting isn't for everyone. I probably would have just added juicing and more smoothies to my life if Alex hadn't want to try the fasting. I just couldn't resist seeing what it was like since he was committing to it for an extended period of time! I am convinced, however, after this and all that I've read/watched lately that at least half our diet should be raw... A lofty goal, but, I'm trying!
How interesting! I am going to check out that movie.
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